Grants Database

The Foundation awards approximately 200 grants per year (excluding the Sloan Research Fellowships), totaling roughly $80 million dollars in annual commitments in support of research and education in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and economics. This database contains grants for currently operating programs going back to 2008. For grants from prior years and for now-completed programs, see the annual reports section of this website.

Grants Database

  • grantee: Michael Lemonick
    amount: $50,000
    city: Princeton, NJ
    year: 2011

    To support the writing of the book "Mirror Earth," a popular account of the search for Earthlike planets beyond the Sun and the technology enabling the search

    • Program Public Understanding
    • Sub-program Books
    • Investigator Michael Lemonick

    To support the writing of the book "Mirror Earth," a popular account of the search for Earthlike planets beyond the Sun and the technology enabling the search

  • grantee: Princeton University Press
    amount: $40,000
    city: Princeton, NJ
    year: 2011

    To publish a new atlas of galaxies based on the Sloan Digital Sky Survey's collection of full-color, multi-wavelength, digital images of galaxies

    • Program Public Understanding
    • Sub-program Books
    • Investigator David Hogg

    To publish a new atlas of galaxies based on the Sloan Digital Sky Survey's collection of full-color, multi-wavelength, digital images of galaxies

  • grantee: University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
    amount: $50,000
    city: Champaign, IL
    year: 2011

    To publish volumes three and four of Ramanujan's Lost Notebook and to make substantial progress on the fifth and final volume

    • Program Public Understanding
    • Sub-program Books
    • Investigator Buce Berndt

    To publish volumes three and four of Ramanujan's Lost Notebook and to make substantial progress on the fifth and final volume

  • grantee: Institute for Women's Policy Research
    amount: $20,000
    city: Washington, DC
    year: 2011

    To better understand the relationship between education and employment, earnings, and occupations among older Americans

    • Program Research
    • Sub-program Working Longer
    • Investigator Jeffrey Hayes

    To better understand the relationship between education and employment, earnings, and occupations among older Americans

  • grantee: Institute for the Future
    amount: $75,000
    city: Palo Alto, CA
    year: 2011

    To test the scalability and portability of Science Hack Day events worldwide

    • Program Technology
    • Sub-program Data & Computational Research
    • Investigator Ariel Waldman

    To test the scalability and portability of Science Hack Day events worldwide

  • grantee: Stanford University
    amount: $125,000
    city: Stanford, CA
    year: 2011

    To fund development of the Open Monograph Press platform, including an innovative pre-publication module

    • Program Technology
    • Sub-program Scholarly Communication
    • Investigator John Willinsky

    To fund development of the Open Monograph Press platform, including an innovative pre-publication module

  • grantee: New York Hall of Science
    amount: $65,000
    city: Corona, NY
    year: 2011

    As a planning grant to develop an interactive electronic book using cases from the Innocence Project to educate the public about the science of DNA and the use of DNA evidence in the criminal justice system

    • Program Public Understanding
    • Sub-program New Media
    • Investigator Eric Siegel

    As a planning grant to develop an interactive electronic book using cases from the Innocence Project to educate the public about the science of DNA and the use of DNA evidence in the criminal justice system

  • grantee: Polytechnic Institute of New York University
    amount: $124,993
    city: Brooklyn, NY
    year: 2011

    To support a pilot project for a cyber security lecture series in New York City

    • Program New York City Program
    • Investigator Robert Ubell

    To support a pilot project for a cyber security lecture series in New York City

  • grantee: American University
    amount: $26,350
    city: Washington, DC
    year: 2011

    To hold a workshop on what libraries can do today to take advantage of digitization and best serve the scholarly community under existing law

    • Program Technology
    • Sub-program Universal Access to Knowledge
    • Investigator Peter Jaszi

    To hold a workshop on what libraries can do today to take advantage of digitization and best serve the scholarly community under existing law

  • grantee: University of South Florida
    amount: $125,000
    city: Tampa, FL
    year: 2011

    To institutionalize in the Graduate School efforts to increase the number of and enhance the success of underrepresented minority STEM graduate students at the Univeristy of South Florida

    • Program Higher Education
    • Investigator Peter Harries

    To institutionalize in the Graduate School efforts to increase the number of and enhance the success of underrepresented minority STEM graduate students at the Univeristy of South Florida

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