Grants Database

The Foundation awards approximately 200 grants per year (excluding the Sloan Research Fellowships), totaling roughly $80 million dollars in annual commitments in support of research and education in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and economics. This database contains grants for currently operating programs going back to 2008. For grants from prior years and for now-completed programs, see the annual reports section of this website.

Grants Database

  • grantee: Xavier University
    amount: $100,000
    city: Cincinnati, OH
    year: 2012

    Winner of the 2012 Alfred P. Sloan Award for Best Practices for Faculty Retirement Transitions

    • Program Research
    • Sub-program Working Longer
    • Investigator Mary Kochlefl

    Winner of the 2012 Alfred P. Sloan Award for Best Practices for Faculty Retirement Transitions

  • grantee: Albright College
    amount: $100,000
    city: Reading, PA
    year: 2012

    In recognition of the institution's 2012 Alfred P. Sloan Award for Best Practices for Faculty Retirement Transitions

    • Program Research
    • Sub-program Working Longer
    • Investigator Andrea Chapdelaine

    In recognition of the institution's 2012 Alfred P. Sloan Award for Best Practices for Faculty Retirement Transitions

  • grantee: Carleton College
    amount: $100,000
    city: Northfield, MN
    year: 2012

    In recognition of the institution's 2012 Alfred P. Sloan Award for Best Practices for Faculty Retirement Transitions

    • Program Research
    • Sub-program Working Longer
    • Investigator Beverly Nagel

    In recognition of the institution's 2012 Alfred P. Sloan Award for Best Practices for Faculty Retirement Transitions

  • grantee: University of California, Davis
    amount: $100,000
    city: Davis, CA
    year: 2012

    In recognition of the institution's 2012 Alfred P. Sloan Award for Best Practices for Faculty Retirement Transitions

    • Program Research
    • Sub-program Working Longer
    • Investigator Maureen Stanton

    In recognition of the institution's 2012 Alfred P. Sloan Award for Best Practices for Faculty Retirement Transitions

  • grantee: GuideStar USA, Inc.
    amount: $7,500
    city: Williamsburg, VA
    year: 2012

    To support work on behalf of the nonprofit and charitable community

    • Program
    • Investigator Lauren Walinsky

    To support work on behalf of the nonprofit and charitable community

  • grantee: Sage Bionetworks
    amount: $124,959
    city: Seattle, WA
    year: 2012

    To prototype interfaces for scholarly communication on top of the existing Synapse computational research management platform

    • Program Technology
    • Sub-program Scholarly Communication
    • Investigator Erich Huang

    To prototype interfaces for scholarly communication on top of the existing Synapse computational research management platform

  • grantee: Azavea, Inc.
    amount: $49,976
    city: Philadelphia, PA
    year: 2012

    To assess the strengths and weaknesses of existing systems and design a scalable technology platform for citizen science data collection

    • Program Technology
    • Sub-program Data & Computational Research
    • Investigator Robert Cheetham

    To assess the strengths and weaknesses of existing systems and design a scalable technology platform for citizen science data collection

  • grantee: United Jewish Appeal - Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of New York, Inc.
    amount: $10,000
    city: New York, NY
    year: 2012

    to support the work of UJA in memory of Charlotte and Jules Joskow

    • Program
    • Investigator Liliya Markel

    to support the work of UJA in memory of Charlotte and Jules Joskow

  • grantee: National Academy of Sciences
    amount: $100,000
    city: Washington, DC
    year: 2012

    To provide evidence-based guidance to post-secondary faculty in science and engineering on how to improve their instruction and to improve undergraduate science education in order to improve students' learning and increase retention of students in science

    • Program Higher Education
    • Investigator Heidi Schweingruber

    To provide evidence-based guidance to post-secondary faculty in science and engineering on how to improve their instruction and to improve undergraduate science education in order to improve students' learning and increase retention of students in science

  • grantee: National Academy of Sciences
    amount: $100,000
    city: Washington, DC
    year: 2012

    To provide evidence-based findings and actionable recommendations on the increasingly complex pathways undergraduate students take into and out of STEM degree programs

    • Program Higher Education
    • Investigator Martin Storksdieck

    To provide evidence-based findings and actionable recommendations on the increasingly complex pathways undergraduate students take into and out of STEM degree programs

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