Grants Database

The Foundation awards approximately 200 grants per year (excluding the Sloan Research Fellowships), totaling roughly $80 million dollars in annual commitments in support of research and education in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and economics. This database contains grants for currently operating programs going back to 2008. For grants from prior years and for now-completed programs, see the annual reports section of this website.

Grants Database

  • grantee: Open Knowledge Foundation
    amount: $79,350
    city: Cambridge, United Kingdom
    year: 2012

    To prototype interoperability between citizen science platforms

    • Program Technology
    • Sub-program Data & Computational Research
    • Investigator Rufus Pollock

    To prototype interoperability between citizen science platforms

  • grantee: University of Oklahoma
    amount: $13,162
    city: Norman, OK
    year: 2012

    To support a meeting to explore digital models for the Isis history of science bibliography

    • Program Technology
    • Sub-program Scholarly Communication
    • Investigator Stephen Weldon

    To support a meeting to explore digital models for the Isis history of science bibliography

  • grantee: Kansas University Endowment Association
    amount: $6,500
    city: Lawrence, KS
    year: 2012

    To partially support the 2013 North American DDI conference

    • Program Technology
    • Sub-program Data & Computational Research
    • Investigator Larry Hoyle

    To partially support the 2013 North American DDI conference

  • grantee: National Academy of Sciences
    amount: $16,500
    city: Washington, DC
    year: 2012

    To provide partial support for communication materials about the benefits of basic research

    • Program Research
    • Investigator Nancy Huddleston

    To provide partial support for communication materials about the benefits of basic research

  • grantee: Coolidge Corner Theatre Foundation
    amount: $20,000
    city: Brookline, MA
    year: 2012

    To support Coolidge Corner Theatre, which leads the Foundation's Science on Screen initiative, in their transition to digital projection

    • Program Public Understanding
    • Sub-program Film
    • Investigator Denise Kasell

    To support Coolidge Corner Theatre, which leads the Foundation's Science on Screen initiative, in their transition to digital projection

  • grantee: Duke University
    amount: $66,371
    city: Durham, NC
    year: 2012

    To support a meeting on the Evolutionary Biology of the Built Environment

    • Program Research
    • Sub-program Microbiology of the Built Environment
    • Investigator Craig McClain

    To support a meeting on the Evolutionary Biology of the Built Environment

  • grantee: University of California, San Diego
    amount: $113,940
    city: La Jolla, CA
    year: 2012

    To study training and innovation in the science and engineering workforce

    • Program Research
    • Initiative Economic Analysis of Science and Technology (EAST)
    • Sub-program Economics
    • Investigator John Skrentny

    To study training and innovation in the science and engineering workforce

  • grantee: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
    amount: $48,000
    city: Washington, DC
    year: 2012

    To ensure that the Nuclear Power Plant Exporters’ Principles of Conduct process has sustained access to independent expertise

    • Program Research
    • Initiative Nuclear Nonproliferation
    • Sub-program Energy and Environment
    • Investigator George Perkovich

    To ensure that the Nuclear Power Plant Exporters’ Principles of Conduct process has sustained access to independent expertise

  • grantee: Association of American Colleges and Universities
    amount: $93,150
    city: Washington, DC
    year: 2012

    To bring about a cultural shift in undergraduate STEM education, toward a norm in which classroom and laboratory practice align fully with what we know about how people learn

    • Program Higher Education
    • Investigator Linda Slakey

    To bring about a cultural shift in undergraduate STEM education, toward a norm in which classroom and laboratory practice align fully with what we know about how people learn

  • grantee: Stanford University
    amount: $101,491
    city: Stanford, CA
    year: 2012

    To hold a two-day conference at Stanford University on aspects of the institutional adjustments needed to accommodate longer lifetimes, particularly related to working longer and retirement

    • Program Research
    • Sub-program Working Longer
    • Investigator John Shoven

    To hold a two-day conference at Stanford University on aspects of the institutional adjustments needed to accommodate longer lifetimes, particularly related to working longer and retirement

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