Equitable Pathways


The historic clock tower at Tuskegee University. The Foundation made its first grant to the university to advance educational equity back in 1953, and continues to provide support through its Equitable Pathways program.

Program Goal

To develop and support educational pathways from Minority Serving Institutions to STEM graduate programs.


Grantmaking in this program supports educational pathways from MSIs to master’s and doctoral degree programs in astronomy, biology, chemistry, computer science, data science, Earth sciences, economics, engineering, marine science, mathematics, physics, and statistics.

Call for Letters of Inquiry

The 2024 Call for Letters of Inquiry for Creating Equitable Pathways through STEM Higher Education closed on July 1, 2024.  The Foundation is no longer accepting LOIs for this Call.


2024 Grantees to be announced soon!

2022 Grantees

2021 Grantees

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