Grants Database

The Foundation awards approximately 200 grants per year (excluding the Sloan Research Fellowships), totaling roughly $80 million dollars in annual commitments in support of research and education in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and economics. This database contains grants for currently operating programs going back to 2008. For grants from prior years and for now-completed programs, see the annual reports section of this website.

Grants Database

  • grantee: Carnegie Institution of Washington
    amount: $30,000
    city: Washington, DC
    year: 2024

    To support the 2024 Workshop on Information, Selection, and Evolution

    • Program Research
    • Sub-program Matter-to-Life
    • Investigator Robert Hazen

    To support the 2024 Workshop on Information, Selection, and Evolution

  • grantee: Syracuse University
    amount: $749,364
    city: Syracuse, NY
    year: 2024

    To perform in vitro experiments and related simulations exploring how two attributes of cytoplasm -an enzyme-driven active bath and a viscoelastic biopolymer network- influence macromolecular phase separation

    • Program Research
    • Sub-program Matter-to-Life
    • Investigator Jennifer Ross

    Compartmentalization is a key feature of living systems. Cells are separated from their environment by a membrane, and intracellular compartments are widely used to carry out the biochemistry upon which life relies. Biomolecular condensates are transient intracellular compartments formed when molecules within the cytoplasm undergo a condensing phase transition. The transition produces a region within the cytoplasm that’s typically denser and/or more viscous than the surrounding fluid and the transition is often referred to as liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS). Molecules co-located within a condensate can more readily react with one another and biologists have learned that the formation and eventual dissolution of biomolecular condensates is ubiquitous across life. While much has been learned about the functions facilitated by these transient organelles, there are many open questions about how the basic physics of LLPS is impacted by the complex, heterogeneous cellular environment within which LLPS occurs. This grant funds work by Jennifer Ross and Jennifer Schwarz, professors of experimental and theoretical physics, respectively, at Syracuse University to study how two specific features of the intracellular microenvironment—the presence of an enzyme-driven ‘active bath’ that modifies the local energy landscape, and the presence of viscoelastic polymers that modify the local entropy landscape—influence the formation and dissolution of protein condensates. The phrase ‘active bath’ refers to a fluid that has been perturbed from its equilibrium thermal state by some type of activity that leads to fluid regions with local fluctuations (e.g. position fluctuations of water molecules) that exceed those associated with the fluid’s overall (equilibrium) thermal state. In this project, the relevant activity is ‘background’ enzyme reactions; chemical reactions that do not directly involve the proteins that condense during LLPS, but which may nonetheless influence LLPS. The cellular entropy feature to be explored by Ross and Schwarz is the presence of a cytoskeleton, a network of viscoelastic (i.e. both viscous and elastic) protein filaments that act to constrain the motion of molecules within a cell via crowding. The team will create cytoskeletal-like networks of varying density and stiffness by using the cytoskeletal biopolymers actin and tubulin. Experiments will vary both the overall polymer density and the actin-to-tubulin ratio. Temperature and condensing-polymer concentration are two key parameters that will be used to experimentally characterize the LLPS phase transition, and Ross and Schwarz plan to study two types of condensing proteins and—for each type of condensing protein—two types of phase transition.

    To perform in vitro experiments and related simulations exploring how two attributes of cytoplasm -an enzyme-driven active bath and a viscoelastic biopolymer network- influence macromolecular phase separation

  • grantee: McGill University
    amount: $800,000
    city: Montréal, Canada
    year: 2024

    To study prebiotically relevant chemistry in droplets that explores whether aerosol droplets can accelerate chemical reactions important to abiogenesis

    • Program Research
    • Sub-program Matter-to-Life
    • Investigator Thomas Preston

    This grant supports efforts by  Thomas Preston, a Professor of Chemistry and of Atmospheric & Ocean Sciences at McGill University, to study whether and how aerosol droplets accelerate chemical reactions important to the rise of life on early Earth. Professor Preston and colleagues plan to bring a new level of experimental control and chemical analysis to Origin-of-Life (OoL) droplet-chemistry studies by containing droplets in a ‘trap’ that allows individual droplets to be studied for long periods of time, and by applying two powerful spectroscopic techniques (Raman spectroscopy and mass spectrometry) to study in-droplet chemistry. In-droplet chemistry may have contributed to the rise of life on Earth by accelerating various chemical reactions. This ‘acceleration of chemistry’ is important to origins-of-life theories because as chemical reaction times increase, yields become vanishingly small, and thus not useful for understanding abiogenesis. It has been reported that confinement inside droplets can accelerate chemical reactions by a factor of up to one million, but well controlled experiments supporting such claims are rare and there is considerable uncertainty about the mechanisms responsible for any enhanced chemical reactivity. Preston and his team will use use two levitation techniques – one based on light (optical trap) and another based on an electric field (electrodynamic trap) – to study individual droplets for long periods of time (hours to days) and under  a variety of well controlled conditions, to shed light on whether and how droplet environments accelerate chemical reactivity. Factors to be controlled and studied include droplet size (and thus surface-to-volume ratio) and the impact on droplet chemistry of photoelectric and electrical field excitation. Studying droplets for relatively long periods of time will allow the team to deploy highly informative measurement techniques such as Raman spectroscopy (probes molecular bonding) and mass spectrometry (information on molecular species) and to do so in a time-resolved manner.  Two different areas of droplet chemistry will be investigated: hydrogen cyanide chemistry and phosphorylation reactions, each of which include reactions essential to origin of life studies, including amide bond formation, nucleoside formation, polysaccharide synthesis, and ion-phosphate attachment. 

    To study prebiotically relevant chemistry in droplets that explores whether aerosol droplets can accelerate chemical reactions important to abiogenesis

  • grantee: Johns Hopkins University
    amount: $1,500,000
    city: Baltimore, MD
    year: 2024

    To achieve size-regulation of nucleic acid based biomolecular condensates and sustained cycles of condensate formation-growth-dissolution by coupling condensation dynamics and chemical reaction dynamics

    • Program Research
    • Sub-program Matter-to-Life
    • Investigator Rebecca Schulman

    Biomolecular condensates are transient organelles that are ubiquitous across life, and which are widely used -for instance- to host intracellular chemistry.  The ubiquity of transient compartmentalization hints at an evolutionarily earlier time when complex chemistry and compartmentalization coupled to evolve in tandem. This grant funds Rebecca Schulman, a Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Johns Hopkins University, Elisa Franco, a Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the University of California Los Angeles, and Deborah Fygenson, a Professor of Physics at the University of California Santa Barbara, to conduct a series of in vitro studies to improve our understanding of systems where chemical reactions are coupled to condensation dynamics. What are the elementary components of, and the fundamental principles governing, a plausibly-origin-of-life-relevant ‘dynamic soup’ whereby chemistry and compartmentalization couple to achieve biological function? Schulman, et. al. plan to explore this question by studying how chemical reactions affect condensate (or droplet) volume and the dynamics of droplet size change.  They’ll then leverage that knowledge to achieve sustained cycles of condensate creation, growth, and dissolution over a range of spatial and temporal scales. Under project phase 1, the team will measure the phase behavior of various condensing nucleic acid (NA) polymers as a function of the concentration of several ‘effector’ molecules that are designed to modify the condensate state. The team seeks to determine the steady state properties of a condensing-molecule / effector system defined by a fixed concentration of effector molecules. Doing so will help them interpret the effects of rapid changes in, and non-uniform distributions of, effectors produced or consumed by various chemical reactions. Under phase 2, the team will explore whether it’s possible to achieve stabilized micron-scale condensates by coupling chemical reactions and condensation. The strategy relies on two key ideas. First, that the chemistry of interest should interfere with the tendency of droplet molecules to aggregate since this will inhibit the growth of an existing droplet. The PIs will exploit chemistry that produces growth inhibiting effectors (RNA polymers). Second, the growth inhibiting chemistry should become more effective with increased droplet size since this amounts to size-stabilizing negative feedback. The team will leverage in-droplet chemistry to synthesize the growth inhibiting RNA polymers and they expect that these polymers will be more effective in large droplets because it takes longer on average to diffuse out of large droplets than small droplets. Under phase 3, the researchers aim to build reaction-condensate systems that exhibit sustained cycles of droplet emergence, growth, and dissolution. The team will pursue two strategies. First, they’ll use a so-called ‘transcriptional oscillator’ positioned in the condensate environment (the surrounding dilute phase) to chemically synthesize a droplet-growth-inhibiting (RNA-based) effector. Second, they’ll implement a chemical feedback system featuring a growth inhibiting effector that does not inhibit growth until it diffuses out of a droplet and chemically reacts with certain molecules in the environmental. If successful, the project will provide insight into how cells exploit couplings between chemical and condensation dynamics to implement biological function, while also establishing a toolset that allows researchers to build information-bearing entities that exhibit sustained cycles of formation, growth, and dissolution.

    To achieve size-regulation of nucleic acid based biomolecular condensates and sustained cycles of condensate formation-growth-dissolution by coupling condensation dynamics and chemical reaction dynamics

  • grantee: Gordon Research Conferences
    amount: $15,000
    city: West Kingston, RI
    year: 2024

    To support the 2024 Systems Chemistry Gordon Research Conference

    • Program Research
    • Sub-program Matter-to-Life
    • Investigator Rebecca Schulman

    To support the 2024 Systems Chemistry Gordon Research Conference

  • grantee: University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
    amount: $499,560
    city: Dallas, TX
    year: 2024

    To use thermodynamic circuit theory to uncover design principles underlying the biochemical networks within organisms, and to understand the limits imposed by thermodynamics on the computational capacity of a biochemical network

    • Program Research
    • Sub-program Matter-to-Life
    • Investigator Milo Lin

    Milo Lin, a physicist and Assistant Professor in the Department of Bioinformatics at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, has developed a "mapping” that, when combined with thermodynamic circuit theory, allows one to transform a biochemical network into an equivalent electrical circuit that obeys Ohm’s law. This allows the theorems and powerful quantitative methods of electrical-network-analysis developed over the past century to be applied to biochemical networks. These electrical engineering tools have -for the electronics industry- enabled large-scale system prediction and design through abstraction and modularity as opposed to simulation of all the components and interactions in a given system. Funds from this grant support efforts by Professor Lin to deploy this framework in the analysis of biochemical systems. Lin will begin by systematically mapping a wide variety of biochemical networks found in organisms (regulatory networks, metabolic pathways, molecular motors, etc.) to equivalent electric circuits and then using electrical engineering tools to obtain the simplest circuit of that type. He will then use computer simulations to “evolve” this simple circuit to meet various targets, including determining circuits necessary and sufficient to execute arbitrary computations, circuits that exhibit robustness to input noise, and circuits that exhibit robustness to changes in the fitness landscape.  Lin will then explore the possible existence of a threshold thermodynamic force above which biomolecular computational capacity is dramatically increased, which, if there is a such a threshold, may shed some light on the puzzling observation that living systems overwhelmingly choose nonequilibrium over equilibrium chemistry for computation. If successful, Lin’s project will facilitate our understanding of complex biochemical networks and therefore of how organisms use chemistry to achieve life-sustaining functions. More speculatively, characterizing the computational capacity of a wide range of biochemical networks may provide insights that allow one to delineate living from nonliving matter.

    To use thermodynamic circuit theory to uncover design principles underlying the biochemical networks within organisms, and to understand the limits imposed by thermodynamics on the computational capacity of a biochemical network

  • grantee: Broad Institute, Inc.
    amount: $674,728
    city: Cambridge, MA
    year: 2024

    To develop multicolor, long-term nanoprobes for single particle tracking, and to perform experiments that demonstrate the utility of these probes for quantifying nonequilibrium dynamics in live cells

    • Program Research
    • Sub-program Matter-to-Life
    • Investigator Chunte Peng

    This grant supports research by Chunte (Sam) Peng, an Assistant Professor of Chemistry at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and a member of the MIT-Harvard Broad Institute, which will focus on creating novel probes for single particle tracking to quantitatively study the nonequilibrium dynamics of molecular motors in vivo, using these dynamics as a window into the functioning of living systems and far-from-equilibrium physics. Professor Peng proposes to learn about intracellular dynamics by making movies of molecular motors ‘tagged’ with fluorescent probes. The probes—called Up Conversion NanoParticles (UCNPs)—have three features that make them superior to existing fluorescent probes and which suit them for intracellular single particle tracking. First, UCNPs fluoresce at different colors than the light emitted by other cellular components, thus offering superior contrast relative to nearby objects. Second, UCNP fluorescence is spectrally much narrower than that of commonly used fluorescent probes, allowing a larger number of distinct cellular components—each tagged with a different color—to be simultaneously tracked. Third, UCNPs can be used to track a cellular object for much longer (hours or days) than is typical using existing fluorescent probes (a few minutes). Peng will use UCNPs to study the nonequilibrium dynamics of two molecular motors, dynein and kinesin, as they transport ‘cargo’ from place to place within a cell along intracellular protein polymers. The research team will attach probes to cargo and/or motors and then record movies that track probe position as revealed by the UCNP fluorescence. The plan is to begin by quantifying motor dynamics at various points in a motor’s traversal of a cell and then explore why motor behavior varies by gaining an ever-increasing level of detail about the local cellular environment. Particular experimental attention will be paid to how motor efficiency varies in relation to varying cellular conditions, efficiency-affecting interactions between motors and between motors and cargo, and the relation of observed motor efficiency to efficiency constraints predicted by thermodynamic theory. 

    To develop multicolor, long-term nanoprobes for single particle tracking, and to perform experiments that demonstrate the utility of these probes for quantifying nonequilibrium dynamics in live cells

  • grantee: California Institute of Technology
    amount: $900,000
    city: Pasadena, CA
    year: 2024

    To create a synthetic cell fate control system

    • Program Research
    • Sub-program Matter-to-Life
    • Investigator Michael Elowitz

    Multicellular organisms operate through cell differentiation.  What begins as an initial pool of uniform, isogenic cells eventually develops into a suite of distinct cell types, each performing specialized functions in the organism as a whole. This specialization process can be thought of as a form of information processing . A simplified overall picture of this information processing is that a receptor -for instance at the cell membrane- detects a signal molecule and a signaling network then acts as 'wiring' to relay information to downstream components, which then produce an appropriate cellular response. The signaling network is a chain of biochemical events which link an upstream molecular signal to a downstream 'cis-regulation' system in order to achieve a particular gene-expression pattern that--in this case--specifies cell type.  This grant supports work by Michael Elowitz, Professor of Biology and of Bioengineering at Caltech, to create a synthetic cell fate control system. The system, if successful, will allow one to begin with a pool of genetically identical cells and then -using a small number of 'input' signals- direct various subsets of the pool to differentiate and develop into distinct, predetermined cell types. Elowitz proposes to achieve this goal by using the tools of synthetic biology to develop the two core subsystems briefly sketched above: a 'signaling network'; a complex network of proteins to process chemical 'signals' and relay them downstream and a downstream 'cis-regulation' system that drives expression of a specific gene or set of genes. The signaling network and gene regulation system will be integrated into natural cells to demonstrate cell fate control and differentiation into targeted cell types. If successful, this project will advance our understanding of and control over cellular information processing and provide a foundation for extending synthetic biology into multicellularity.

    To create a synthetic cell fate control system

  • grantee: Howard University
    amount: $240,000
    city: Washington, DC
    year: 2023

    To create an internship program that provides research experiences for undergraduates in the Quantum Biology Laboratory at Howard University

    • Program Research
    • Sub-program Matter-to-Life
    • Investigator Philip Kurian

    To create an internship program that provides research experiences for undergraduates in the Quantum Biology Laboratory at Howard University

  • grantee: University of Glasgow
    amount: $1,250,417
    city: Glasgow, United Kingdom, United Kingdom
    year: 2023

    To observe and quantify the emergence and growth of selection-for-complexity in long term chemical evolution experiments

    • Program Research
    • Sub-program Matter-to-Life
    • Investigator Lee Cronin

    Understanding how matter complexifies, ultimately towards life, is a longstanding challenge embraced by the Matter-to-Life program. Since life as we know it is primarily chemistry, the challenge amounts to understanding how complexity and function can emerge and grow in a complicated chemical network. This grant supports Leroy Cronin, Professor of Chemistry at the University of Glasgow, to deploy a systems chemistry approach to addressing this question. Cronin will leverage state-of-the-art robotics to enable long-term chemical evolution experiments that exploit a new parameter that quantifies molecular complexity that is both experimentally accessible and embedded within a larger theoretical framework. Cronin plans to use that framework to nudge a chemical system towards ever-increasing complexity. Selection as a concept is most commonly deployed within Darwinian evolution, where natural selection refers to the preferential survival of individuals with certain genetic traits by means of natural controlling factors. Here Professor Cronin proposes to observe selection within a chemical system, and in this context, selection refers to the preferential survival of molecules with certain traits by means of natural controlling factors (the local environment). Cronin is primarily interested in one trait: complexity. Professor Cronin will use a measure of molecular complexity called the “assembly index.” The assembly index of a molecule is, in essence, equal to the number of ‘steps’ (chemical bonds) needed to construct the molecule using system-dependent basic building blocks (atoms or molecules).  Cronin has demonstrated that assembly index is well-correlated to three relatively-easy-to-perform types of measurements: mass spectrometry, IR spectroscopy, and NMR spectroscopy. The research team will run recursive chemistry experiments that rely on automated measurements to determine which molecules are present and adjust conditions to nudge a system towards a ‘selection regime’ where new forms of complexity are generated. The adjustable conditions include things like temperature (heating & cooling), evaporation and rehydration, how long a mixture is stirred, the duration of an experimental cycle, solution pH, whether various minerals are added, and whether or not an electrical discharge is applied. Cronin expects that a single experiment (a series of cycles) will run continuously for several hundred cycles, corresponding to several weeks or months. Over that time, there are four types of complex molecules / structures that the researchers will seek to detect: self-reproducing molecules and autocatalytic sets; production of high assembly index molecules; formation of primitive sequence polymers; and emergence of microscopic containers.

    To observe and quantify the emergence and growth of selection-for-complexity in long term chemical evolution experiments

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