National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
To investigate the structure and performance of labor markets in the aftermath of the Great Recession
Funds from this grant support a project by economists Alexandre Mas of Princeton University and David Card of University of California, Berkeley to advance our understanding of unemployment and the behavior of labor markets in the aftermath of the October 2008 financial crisis and the subsequent U.S. recession. With support from Sloan Foundation funds, Mas and Card will commission a dozen papers from distinguished researchers about key microeconomic aspects of the current unemployment predicament. Topics to be explored include how the recession changed current and future employment patterns, why employment has yet to significantly rebound, and what effects long-term effects prolonged unemployment have on workers' welfare and human capital. In addition, the grant will fund efforts to disseminate the commissioned work, including the publication of the papers in a special edition of a peer-reviewed journal, and a forum in Washington aimed at communicating research results to policymakers.